Reformed Revivalists in America is committed to helping the RCA succeed as a beacon of worship, evangelism, and discipleship for Reformed Christians.
Our mission is to reform and revive the RCA. We pray that God will transform us into leaders who can bring a revival to our churches, restoring a desire for repentance and the joy of salvation in Christ.
Fall of the RCA
The fall of the RCA has been in large part the result of liberal theology and its damage to our witness for Christ. In 2022, 43 congregations left the RCA over issues like same-sex marriage and LGBT clergy. The RCA has for centuries brought people together to glorify God and build His Kingdom. In a matter of decades, it was hijacked and disgraced by a handful of liberal ministers. This takeover was made easier by Christians who left for evangelical offshoots and non-denominational churches. Retreating will continue to hand the work and legacy of faithful RCA generations to its destroyers. That is why we will not retreat, will not give up, and will take back our church, so help us God.
Taking Back the Mainline
Mainline protestant denominations are some of the oldest, most influential churches in history. Across the world, thousands of Christians are working together to take them back as part of Operation Reconquista. This movement is made up of laymen, elders, and ministers who recognize the spiritual significance of mainline denominations and the important role they share in spreading the Gospel to our culture and institutions. Many of the resources and connections forged by these churches are irreplaceable and should be retaken for the glory of God. Reformed Revivalists in America is the official organization representing Operation Reconquista in the RCA.
Building Our Future
We have launched the following projects to complete our mission:
RCA Reconquista - Our organization maintains a map of theologically moderate and conservative RCA churches to join, strengthen, and revive.
Reformed Revival - The RCA’s theology, history, and traditions are being rediscovered to complement and enrich our reformed faith.
Church Support - We believe some of the best mission opportunities can be found in supporting the ministry of historic and biblical RCA churches.
For more information please reach us at reformedrevivalists@gmail.com
A Reformed Revivalist’s Story
“After becoming a member of the RCA, I wanted nothing more than to faithfully serve Christ in the church that welcomed me as a brother. Yet as I learned more about the problems in our classis and denomination, the temptation to leave weighed heavily on my heart. It was the zealotry of Redeemed Zoomer and Operation Reconquista that inspired me to stay and fight for the RCA. Since joining this movement, I’ve taken on the role of treasurer for my congregation and helped restart our youth program. I’m grateful for the opportunity to serve and now look to our future with hope and excitement. I strongly believe the Mainline Church should be saved and encourage anyone who agrees to stand with us and join the Reconquista.”
- Michael Rica, Co-founder of Reformed Revivalists in America